
Wednesday, 23 September 2020

 This week our main focus was our Blogging analysis. For this task we had to show our average blog post posted each month and year. We had to write and show how many posts were posted on our blog then we created a chart showing our data we found. We also showed how many posts were posted averagely and created a google drawing showing all our work.

                                                             Blog Analysis 

Tuesday, 22 September 2020


For this task we had to create a Frayer model showing what we thought Venerable meant. We had to include a definition, image, example and non-example.

Suzanne Aubert fact file

 For this task we had to create a fact file of information about Suzanne Aubert or Mere Hohepa. We had to included what she was known for and what she done when she was alive. Suzanne Aubert was 25 years old when she voyaged to New Zealand in hoping of becomeing a missionary in New Zealand.

                                              Here is my fact file :)                                       


Monday, 14 September 2020

Social Justice week

For this task we had to make a copy of the slide and finish of the tasks. We had to find scriptures and right what the meaning of the scriptures were and create a DLO showing how we would proclaim the word of god. We also had to list important dates and events that happened throughout the years.

Weekly reflection

I enjoyed our Te Reo task because we made our own Taonga and got to design it to our liking & because I found it cool researching the meaning behind Taonga shapes

I succeed in my behaviour inside class and outside class with watching what I say or the way I am pronouncing things in front of little kids and being a successful role model for my school community and to myself

I found it a bit challenging to complete my contracts because I found it a bit hard to stay focused on my work but I completed it because i had an awesome teacher to explain it to me clearly.

I learned how to create a Taonga with clay and water I was able to design it myself with the help of other in my class it came exactly how I pictured it with the design and I am really proud of my

Something I am looking forward to is learning 50 new Maori words and celebrating Te Wiki O Te Reo Maori.

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Spoken word

For this task we had to fill out the slide and write a paragraph explaining the meaning of our chosen poem. We had to write what the main message of the spoken poem was about and what the poem made us think about.

Friday, 4 September 2020

Weekly reflection

 Something I enjoyed this week was my Independent learning because it was fun, challenging and enjoyable. I found it fun because it gave me a chance to see how hard and stressful it  is to plan a holiday for 2 or more people with a budget limit.

One success I had this week was beating my basic facts time and score. It was a huge success for me because ive been wanting to get better at them.

One thing I found challenging this week was managing my time and staying on task because my teacher wasn't here much and I got distracted easily this week but some how managed to finish most of my work to a higher standard then I thought.

One thing I have learnt this week is learning my 7 and 8 times tables.

Something I am looking forward to next week is getting a better score in basic facts and going to tech because I have been really enjoying it at the moment.

I have shown the value pono by being truthful and honest when owning up to my mistakes and actions



   For this task we had to create a holiday for after covid 19. We had a budget we could spend and we had to plan a holiday for ourselves and a friend. We had to book flights, accommodation and we had to return back to New Zealand with less than 1,000 in our wallets.

Weekly reflection

  What did I enjoy this week? One thing I enjoyed this week was our collage work, because we were able to add our favourite brands, c...