Tena Koutou katoa
Ko Panguru Toku Maunga.
Ko Whakarapa Toku Awa.
Ko Hokianga Toku Moana.
Ko Ngatokimatawharoa toku Waka
Ko Te Rarawa Toku Iwi.
Ko Ngati Manawa Toku Hapu.
Ko Waipuna Toku Marae.
No Panguru Ahau.
Ko Kaitaia Toku Kainga Inaianei.
Ko Pompallier Primary Catholic School Toku Kura.
Ko Pomare Toku ingoa Whanau.
Ko Te Wharangi Toku Matua.
Ko Andrea Toku Whaea.
Ko Katarina Toku Ingoa.
No reira, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa.
For this weeks contract we had to write our Pepeha then publish it onto our blogs.
We are a year 7 & 8 class from Pompallier Catholic School. My teacher is Whaea Danni.
Tuesday, 24 March 2020
Friday, 13 March 2020
Rabbit proof fence
As the sound of a car comes closer towards us I slowly realise that the men from the government have come to take me and my sister. “RUN” I hear my parents say. Without hesitation my older sister grabs my arm and we run towards the field closest to our house. By the time we reached the fence that divides our home and the field the car had reached out home and the men inside started running towards us my sister jumped over first then it was my turn. Before I had the chance to jump over and a hand reached around me and pulled me back over. I was taken to the car and I saw my parents in tears being held back. I was put into the car and shortly after that my sister was placed beside me. We were both screaming and in tears. “ BE QUIET” the man in the driver's seat said.With all the screaming I had done I was tired and my eyes felt heavy and I drifted off to sleep.
I was woken by my sister “ Wake up” I slowly opened my eyes and realised that we were at a camp, Not just any camp we were and a camp for people like me “ Half Cast”. The door swung open “ Get out “ a man said with no expression. We climbed out of the vehicle and walked towards the so called camp. I looked around and saw a Girl walking around and newly bought clothes and shoes. We were greeted by a woman who showed us to our Cabins, the women left us alone and told us that she would be back soon. “ We need to escape. My sister said '' I know” I whispered. The lady walked back in with a pile of clothes and placed it on one of the beds. “ Get dressed quickly ladies” was the last thing I heard her say before exiting the room.. “ I have a plan” my sister said before getting dressed in the new clothes on our bed. After we finished getting ready we walked outside and was greeted by some new people and we talked about the rules and expectations that we had to meet.We talked for what seemed hours and then we were allowed to go back to our room. When we got inside my sister locked the door and said “ Now here's the plan”.....
It was now 10 O’clock and everyone had gone to sleep except for a few people making sure kids wouldn't escape. When we first arrived my sister told me that she saw where they hung their cars keys up. The plan was that I would go outside and tell one of the men that I wasn't feeling well while my sister ran to the cabin with all the keys. The plan was all sorted and now it was time to put our plan into action. Neither of us knew how to drive nor how long it would take to drive home. I walked outside while eating some crackers from earlier with some water. I started walking in front of one of the men then pretended to spew. He ran into one of the cabins to grab me some water. I gave my sister the signal to go. She ran towards the cabin and grabbed the keys, we started sprinting towards the cars and tried to unlock them. The man from before ran back outside and spotted us. We had tried every car but none would unlock. We got to the last car and it opened, we got in quickly and locked the doors and drove off quickly. My sister and I started laughing, and we started talking about how fun tonight was. My sister told it was going to be a long night so I should try get some rest, I nodded in agreement and fell asleep. THUMP! My whole body went forward and i had blood dripping from my head, my sister had crashed into a tree. “ Quickly get out we’re almost home” I stumble out of the car and start running towards my sister. We walked for another 45 minutes until we reached the start of our driveway. When I saw my house come into view I ran the fastest my legs could take me. When I reached my house I started to bang on my door the hardest I could. My parents opened the door in horror and distress, When they saw us they hugged us as tight they could. “ What happened to your head? And how did you guys get out!?” my sister and I looked at each other said “ That's a story for another time”.....
For this weeks literacy task we had to write a story about our perspective of being taken away from our families.
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