Experiencing Marine Reserve
W.A.L.T:Explain what we have learnt through our EMR snorkeling sessions
A couple weeks ago the senior classes had the honour to go down to the pools and learn how to snorkel. Isoble (Our instructor) taught us some simple tips for snorkeling such as putting toothpaste on our masks prevents it from fogging up and always snorkel with a friend.
In session two we traveled to Matia bay for snorkeling.
I enjoyed snorkeling because it was an honor and it was incredible to see all the fish.
When we arrived at Matia we got split into three groups.My group was the first to go.
We got geared up and headed into the water.
As soon as I got into the water I dived into the water seeing a whole new world.There were tiny fish swimming around and some kina at the bottom of the rocks.My turn was over and we headed to the rest of the school.
I really enjoyed snorkeling.