We are a year 7 & 8 class from Pompallier Catholic School. My teacher is Whaea Danni.
Thursday, 13 December 2018
This year there has been a lot of amazing highlights.
Here are some of the main ones....
Cross country this year was fun.
We ran up steep hills,muddy puddles,crawl under fences and jump over ponds.
Cross country was cool because everyone came back muddy.
I felt so tired after running.
I came 5th out of my year group.
Athletics was so fun because everyone tried there best and achieved something.
I was so nervous to go against some of the other girls.
In the end i was happy of the placing i came.
A couple weeks ago the year 6,7 and 8ś went to ahipara to go surfing.
It was the best time of my life.
We learnt how to be safe when surfing and how to surf.
We went over some rules and then it was time to surf!
I caught some big waves and some small ones.
Our surfing instructor helped me catch some big waves.
I could go on and on about camp but i dont want you to get bored some im just gonna tell you some of my high lights.
One of my main highlights was having the camp disco.
The camp disco was so fun because everyone just enjoyed them selves and everyone was having fun.
My other highlight was going to the vape,Te paki sand dunes and tapotupotu.
going to the cape was fun fun because we got to see some amazing views and we went to the top of New-Zealand.
I really enjoyed 2018!
I hope next year will be the same🌼
Wednesday, 12 December 2018
Last Monday the senior classes went on camp at Rarawa camp grounds.It was the time of my life!We all hung and we all enjoyed each others company.We done all sorts of things like swimming,hiking,games and we also went to the cape for a visit.
When we arrived there was teachers and students putting up tents.
One hour went by and we headed down to the beach.
We played a game of invaders and interrupters.
After the game we headed back to camp and had some dinner.
We all got dressed and headed to bed.
It was an early morning on Tuesday.
There was thunder and lightning all morning which woke us all up at 4 am.
6 am came around and we all ran out side.
The parents and teachers made us breakfast and then we all sat down to eat.
It was 10 am and we all headed to cape reinga
we enjoyed the view and company.
Then we drove to Te paki sand dunes and had a
Turn going down the dunes.
Wednesday morning everyone was up early
The year 5ś packed up their gear
and headed back to school.
The year 6,7 and 8ś got dressed.
Then the whistle rang.
¨Come on guys take a seat¨
Everyone sat down and Mrs.Cutler explained what we were going to do
¨Today We are doing the amazing race!¨
she spilt us into teams and then we were off.
1 hour into the activity and we had only 5 out of 9 things.
We thought quick and raced to the next station.
We finished at around 2:47 pm.
We relaxed the rest of the day and then it was
We all danced around and sang.
I think we all enjoyed our selves.
Me and some of my other friends asked everyone if they wanted to play spot light.
10 pm came around and it was time for bed.
It was Thursday morning And everyone looked tired.
The morning went so slow...
We packed up our tents and headed to school.
When we arrived we played on the the playground for a while.
Mrs.cutler said that we were going to watch the grinch.
When we arrived we took our seats and enjoyed the movie.
We got back to school and went home.
I am really grateful for going to camp,It was such a privilege.
I cant wait for next years camp.
Tuesday, 20 November 2018
In class we have been learning about Suzanne Aubert. Suzanne Aubert was someone who
looked after other people when they were sick or took in children with out
any where to go.Suzanne Aubert came to new-Zealand in 1860 after being a nurse in her
home town france.She soon voyage to new-Zealand and become a catholic missionary in Auckland.
Yesterday we had to write a pray for her.
Here is mine.....
Suzanne Aubert humble worker in your life you helped other people and looked after orphans.Please pray for me heavenly father that I can help others just like you.
Mother Merin Hohepa,pray for us.
Friday, 9 November 2018
Thursday, 8 November 2018
👑Google doc ninga challenge👑

Every Thursday Whaea Donna comes into our class to teach us how to be cyber smart/safe and how to do new things on our devices.
Last week we were on our buddy classes blog and we saw that they were doing a Google ninja challenge, so when Whaea Donna said we were going to do it I was really excited because I read good reviews about it. I found it really challenging at first but in the end it kinda got easier.
I managed to complete all 4 Levels in 1 hour and 10 minutes.
It wasn't easy at all😂 We had to recolour,Change the font,change the text,change the size
add things,edit things and research things.
I liked how each level was different and challenging at the same time.
Have you done the ninja challenge before??
If you have what was the most challenging level?
Tuesday, 25 September 2018
This term has been a blast!We have such an amazing term including cross country,museum trip,history research and much more.When we had cross country we went to the farm.It was such an amazing experience because we got top slide through mud,jump in muddy puddles and just enjoy the great fun!
I also enjoyed learning about my countries history and what had happened.I enjoyed learning about who was the first person come to new Zealand and much more other things.
I also enjoyed #represent!!
#Represent is a fun program for young leaders.It really helped me improve my leader ship skills and understand that other peoples feelings matter.It helped me know that no matter where i go i represent my family,school,community and.........MYSELF!
This term has been a blast!We have such an amazing term including cross country,museum trip,history research and much more.When we had cross country we went to the farm.It was such an amazing experience because we got top slide through mud,jump in muddy puddles and just enjoy the great fun!
I also enjoyed learning about my countries history and what had happened.I enjoyed learning about who was the first person come to new Zealand and much more other things.
I also enjoyed #represent!!
#Represent is a fun program for young leaders.It really helped me improve my leader ship skills and understand that other peoples feelings matter.It helped me know that no matter where i go i represent my family,school,community and.........MYSELF!
Monday, 17 September 2018
WALT:Make our own animation.
In kakapo class we are learning to make an animation with Mrs.Davan
I hope you enjoy(:
Monday, 10 September 2018
word of the day
The word of the day is an activity that extends our vocabulary.
If you don't know what it is just keep reading.The word of the day helps you learn what a word means.We also have a wide range of words to choose from.for example:abundance and coarse.This activity is really fun because it is a good challenge for me.
The word of the day is an activity that extends our vocabulary.
If you don't know what it is just keep reading.The word of the day helps you learn what a word means.We also have a wide range of words to choose from.for example:abundance and coarse.This activity is really fun because it is a good challenge for me.
Thursday, 6 September 2018
Ice skating!
"Thump" as a mass of people were skating around me i had slipped over Lee-Zion.
Me and a bunch of friends were skating around until we saw the bubbles😆
I think i fell about 10 times😵The person that was running ice skating challenged all of us,He challenged us to play musical statutes.It was so fun!!I think the best part was when Nearly EVERYONE fell over...
Me and a bunch of friends were skating around until we saw the bubbles😆
I think i fell about 10 times😵The person that was running ice skating challenged all of us,He challenged us to play musical statutes.It was so fun!!I think the best part was when Nearly EVERYONE fell over...
Friday, 3 August 2018
why the far north is best pace to live.
I think the far north is the best pace to live because we are a small friendly town.
The far north have a lot of small towns full of joy.The far north have a lot of great scenes to see and visit.
The far north have a lot of history.The far north is a great place to live because we have a lot of beaches.The beaches in the far north are just around the corner and the beaches are a popular stop.
The far north is the best place to live because people in the north are so full of joy (:
Thursday, 2 August 2018
Sandra silberzweig
In kakapo class we have been learning about sandra silberzweig.We looked at how she used different shapes and patterns in different places.After learning a bit about her we decide to make our own piece of art.
It took three days to complete our art.
First we made an unique nose.
second we drew our two eyes in different places to make it look wacky.
Thirdly we drew our lips.
Then we added extra detail to make it look abstract.
after we finished drawing our pictures we used Indian ink to make it bolder.
The next day we used bold and colorful chalk to make our pieces of art pop.
You can come and see our art work in our class.
It took three days to complete our art.
First we made an unique nose.
second we drew our two eyes in different places to make it look wacky.
Thirdly we drew our lips.
Then we added extra detail to make it look abstract.
after we finished drawing our pictures we used Indian ink to make it bolder.
The next day we used bold and colorful chalk to make our pieces of art pop.
You can come and see our art work in our class.
Monday, 2 July 2018
end of term reflection
This term has been really exciting!!
This term we have been learning about our countries history,Important people from our country and much more.I have really enjoyed this term because i went to kio o rahi.We have been doing science and the envior club.In science we have learning about cooling and heating.On our first week we done heating with mrs dromgal.On our second week we done cooling with mrs waston.On our third week we done heating with mrs nicolas.And our second to last week we done heating with mrs ryken.I have enjoyed this term because it was so much fun not to mention CROSS COUNTRY TRAINING!!!
This term has been really exciting!!
This term we have been learning about our countries history,Important people from our country and much more.I have really enjoyed this term because i went to kio o rahi.We have been doing science and the envior club.In science we have learning about cooling and heating.On our first week we done heating with mrs dromgal.On our second week we done cooling with mrs waston.On our third week we done heating with mrs nicolas.And our second to last week we done heating with mrs ryken.I have enjoyed this term because it was so much fun not to mention CROSS COUNTRY TRAINING!!!
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
Matariki lesson
Today we made kawakawa balm with whea Ali and 3 college kids.We learnt the benefits of kawakawa and lavender,we learnt that kawakawa is good for cramps and digestive pain.We also learnt that lavender is good for acne and helps improve your sleep during the night.We also made matariki stars with string.We learnt a new song called ''No te Hohonutanga'' we sing this song at moari mass. Whea Ali told us that there is multiple matariki stories from different tribs.
Tuesday, 19 June 2018
suzanne aubert
Suzanne aubert was born on the 19th of June 1835 in saint,Symphorieh-de-lay,france.
When suzanne was a young child she was in a horrible car crash which left her disabled for a very long time.In 1860 suzanne aubert set sail to new-zealand.She first sighted new-zealand on the 19th of december.She became a catholic missionary and looked after sick people.She opened a home for disabled kids.She worked along side Bishop pompallier and three other people.
In 1926 aged 91 suzanne aubert died.
When suzanne was a young child she was in a horrible car crash which left her disabled for a very long time.In 1860 suzanne aubert set sail to new-zealand.She first sighted new-zealand on the 19th of december.She became a catholic missionary and looked after sick people.She opened a home for disabled kids.She worked along side Bishop pompallier and three other people.
In 1926 aged 91 suzanne aubert died.
Monday, 18 June 2018
Maniakalina is a program to help kids/adults about internet safety a keyboard short cuts. I have learnt lots about how you can stay and be safe on the internet. Kakapo have learnt new stuff and websites.We learnt how to make a quality blog post and much more,Maniakalina is a great program because it helps you learn so much about the internet and how to stay safe.Maniakalina is such a awesome program to go to because you can have a great time learning new stuff.
Tuesday, 12 June 2018
On the 12th of december 1987 the rainbow warrior ship sunk and blow up on by the auckland harbor.
On board the ship there was a french spy.outside of the boat were two french spy divers waiting for the signal to put the bombs on the side of the ship.By ,midnight a big thud shook the boat and everyone stumbled to there feet.. One of the people on board went downstairs to check the engine .he went downstairs to check the engine and something was wrong water was flowing in the boat and everyone ran off the boat.i don't know if the person who was checking the engine made it off but i know that the ship sunk and it is a tourist dive stop.
Hi my name is katarina,i was born on the 4th of September 2007.
My first kindergarten was anwest .it was the best kindergarten ever until i moved to footprints.That is where i meet most of my friends.On my first day i made to best friends named gabby and phenoxi. My favorite teacher was kat because she was funny and goofy.
Then later on in my life I came to pompalliker in 2012.On that same day i saw all the other kids running around.i made a best friend named skylah who has now moved school.
some facts about me is that i got a sports trophies at my old school.I have 4 sisters and 3 brothers im the oldest.
Thursday, 7 June 2018
Kakapo historians
In class we have been learning about nz history
and all the events that have happened.We have
learnt to write an honest letter home and we have also been researching about important people to new Zealand.Last week we all had had a group of 2's and we researched about each century and what event happened.I had 1800's i learnt that bishop pompallier came and arrived in new Zealand on the 12th of December 1802.Learning about our country's history was really fun because i found heaps of interesting facts.
and all the events that have happened.We have
learnt to write an honest letter home and we have also been researching about important people to new Zealand.Last week we all had had a group of 2's and we researched about each century and what event happened.I had 1800's i learnt that bishop pompallier came and arrived in new Zealand on the 12th of December 1802.Learning about our country's history was really fun because i found heaps of interesting facts.
what have you found about New Zealand history?
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Weekly reflection
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RAINBOW WARRIOR SHIPWRECK On the 12th of december 1987 the rainbow warrior ship sunk and blow up on by the auckland harbor. On board...
A highlight for me this term was being able to be at home while still doing work because it gave me a chance to be at home with my family an...